
A mini musical
Book and Additional Lyrics by Madeleine Adriance
Music and Lyrics by Marijke Perry

Cast: 5 actors
Run time: 45 minutes

What are YOU doing about climate change? What are you doing? No, seriously, what are you doing — is that even — wait, stop, that looks dangerous! Or, a Brown student caught up in the NFT trade and newly horrified at her carbon footprint takes an unusual path to relieving her guilt. A satire of Ivy League individualism in which wealthy Brown students start turning into trees to avoid thinking about the climate crisis.

“Soon I’ll be none of what I was before…”

Production History

Student, Brown University Musical Forum, 2022

Director and Scenic Designer: Bec Patsenker
Music Director: Cerulean Ozarow
Costume Designer: Miranda Cancelosi
Cast: Bec Patsenker, Ellis Clark, Alexander Waxman, Joie Mills, Deborah Meirowitz

Photos by Leane Pajot